
I’ve had fifty cents to my name on the Playstation Network since 2011, so yesterday morning I decided to do something about it.  After a frustrating half hour on the PSN, trying to add funds to my digital wallet so I could download The Cave, I decided to give up.  I had two reasons for giving up, actually –the first being that the PSN wouldn’t validate any of my cards (apparenty a lot of people have this problem), and the second being that The Cave is releasing later this week (I read an article about the North America release and assumed it was out).  I did grab some downloads of Journey, Unfinished Swan, and Playstation All Stars Battle Royale on GameStop.com, since I had some leftover credit from a recent trade in.

So there I was, sitting on my couch in my pajamas, eating strawberry pop tart fresh out of the toaster, waiting for my downloads in the background to finish up, and mindlessly navigating around the Playstation Store to see if I could at least download a trailer for The Cave (to apparently pour salt in the wound that was fresh from discovering the game’s unavailability).  That’s when I noticed that most of the avatar downloads were forty nine cents, so if I couldn’t add funds to my account, then I might as well drain what’s left of it!

Since I bought my PS3 back in 2010, I’ve had the same avatar (three monkeys from Ape Escape, with “PROMOTE SYNERGY” in the comment bubble), and even though I still think it’s adorable, I haven’t played that game in over a decade.  It also doesn’t really work with my screen name, “jenhatescake”.

I should probably explain my sn, jenhatescake, since I often seem to offend some strong-opinionated cake eaters.  Nothing against cake, I’m just a much bigger fan of pie.  I enjoy a slice of cake now and then, but only if the frosting is the real deal……cream cheese or chocolate butter cream, if you got it.  There is nothing worse than cheap frosting, don’t you agree?  If you’ve seen the scene from Death Becomes Her, where Goldie Hawn walks through her nasty kitchen with cats and trash everywhere, opens her cupboard filled with cans of frosting, opens a can and dips her pudgy paw in and smears the glob of frosting into her fat mouth –just, wow.  I need to jump on my elliptical just thinking about it.  Disgusting.

Anyway, back to my avatar.  I spent a good 10 minutes searching through the pages and pages of Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Mega Man, Just Dance, etc avatars, and I couldn’t really find any that I liked.  Is it too much to ask for a Mini Ninjas, Yoshi’s Island, or Epic Mickey 2 avatar?  I ended up choosing the cake icon from Fat Princess.  This blog topic seemed much more exciting in my head before I actually typed it out.  But that’s the beauty of a blog……I can write about whatever I please.  :) 

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